With the goal of improving road safety for motorcyclists, the SAAQ and the members of the committee of experts on motorcyclist safety released a report containing 14 recommendations that the SAAQ, its partners and major players in the motorcycle industry.

The work initially focused on analyzing the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 189 motorcyclists involved in 182 accidents that occurred between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2016.

Among the 14 recommendations are:

“The road safety statistics for motorcyclists are worrying. These are overrepresented. It therefore seems essential to me to act quickly. It is for this reason that I have asked the Société to suggest measures that will allow the government to improve the safety of motorcyclists on the road. The new measures that we will put in place are directly in line with this desire. explains François Bonnardel, Quebec Minister of Transport and Minister responsible for the Estrie region.


Main findings of the analysis of fatal accidents