We are pleased to announce the official launch of the Quebec Road Safety Education Foundation (FQESR) to the general public and partner driving schools. The educational material offered to driving schools in Quebec is available now.

The Foundation is born

The Quebec Foundation for Road Safety Education (FQESR) is born and has given itself the mission of making young people aware of good behavior on the road and, by the same token, giving them a voice so that they can promote around them a positive and safe approach to driving. Born from the initiative of the founders of the network of driving schools Tecnic du Québec, the creation of this foundation will make it possible to take advantage of years of expertise in driver education in order to raise the awareness of the drivers of tomorrow and thus contribute to a better safety on our roads in Quebec.

The Foundation has set itself 5 objectives

To carry out its mission, the FQESR has set itself five objectives:

Working with young people

« Nous souhaitons travailler avec les jeunes en étant présents dans les écoles, en créant des comités de sécurité routière et en visant particulièrement les jeunes âgés de 13 à 17 ans. Nous voulons connaître leurs préoccupations et les encourager à s’impliquer dans la fondation. Après tout, ces jeunes sont les conducteurs de demain », a déclaré Yves Georges, président de la fondation.

A foundation that unites

The Foundation also intends to involve as many road safety stakeholders as possible in order to bring together available expertise and improve education activities. Thus, in addition to its own activities in schools, the foundation wishes to offer its support and participate in other current campaigns and programs on road safety.

For more information about the foundation, do not hesitate to contact us at 514-360-7167 or 1-877-433-9915. The official press release is also available online.