Impaired driving is not just about alcohol! Not sure if you’re fit to drive? To ask the question is to answer it, do not take the wheel.

An activity that requires all our senses

We can never say it enough, driving is a complex activity for which all our senses and faculties are called upon.

Unfortunately, in Canada, accidents involving the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs are still the leading cause of criminal death.(Source: MADD).

At the legal level, it should be remembered that zero tolerance on alcohol applies to all drivers under the age of 22, as well as to all holders of a learner’s or probationary license. And that also involves your motorcycle learner’s permit, even if you’ve had your car license for years!

The famous 0.08


Also, the 0.08 is not all: the law also allows a police officer to arrest you if he has reasonable grounds to believe that your driving abilities are impaired, regardless of whether it is alcohol, drugs or medication (source: SAAQ).

Almost all medications, even over-the-counter medications, have side effects that affect driving. The most common side effect is drowsiness, but dizziness, blurred vision or decreased concentration will also affect your abilities (source: SAAQ).

The only responsible way to act is therefore not to drive when we doubt our ability to drive.


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